Born in a village near Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, His Holiness SriKrishna Desika Yatindra Jeeyar Swami's life took a remarkable turn. He held a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics and worked as a Medical Physicist for nearly 30 years in the USA.
Following the guidance of his Acharya, the 44th Jeeyar of Sri Ahobila Mutt, SriKrishna Desika Jeeyar Swami undertook the remarkable task of building a beautiful Sri Vaishnava temple in Pomona, NY, dedicated to Sri Ranganatha.
Read moreSri Ashtalakshmi Temple Vedic and Cultural Center: 735 High Blvd, Reading, PA - 19607
LocationsSriKrishna Asram is first and foremost dedicated to spreading the message of saranagathi or absolute surrender at the feet of Lord Sriman Narayana.
Guided by His Holiness SriKrishna Desika Yatindra Jeeyar Swami. The goal of SriKrishna Asram is to spread Bhagavad Ramanuja/Sri Desika Sampradaya and the message of Saranagathi or absolute surrender at the feet of Sriman Narayana which is the only guaranteed path to salvation.
Read moreHH 44th Azhagiyasingar - Sri Van Satakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatheendra Mahadesikan