Guided by His Holiness SriKrishna Desika Yatindra Jeeyar Swami
Embark on a Spiritual Journey at SriKrishna Asram
Guided by His Holiness SriKrishna Desika Yatindra Jeeyar Swami
Discover the path to liberation/Moksha: SriKrishna Asram welcomes you to explore
the profound wisdom of Bhagavad Ramanuja/Sri Desika Sampradaya.
Embrace the transformative power of Saranagathi: Learn about the philosophy of
absolute surrender (Saranagathi) at the feet of Sriman Narayana, the ultimate path to
spiritual fulfillment.
Find guidance and community: Connect with a supportive community seeking inner
peace and deepen your understanding of Sanatana Dharma. (Daily Chantings)